I am happy to say goodbye to winter, but I will miss snowman for sure. I know you all are super excited to welcome spring. The warm weather brings lots of energy for me and I hope for you too. Now its time to throw those big bulky jackets in the closet and start looking for new spring prints right? Every year you can make a spring bucket list and start crossing that off from your list. I have already shared the spring bucket list so you can check that if you haven’t made yours. I have been in Wisconsin for more than 3 years so today I want to share “How to enjoy spring in Wisconsin” besides Tulips and Cherry blossom.
How to enjoy spring in Wisconsin
Here is my spring bucket list to enjoy the spring season in Wisconsin
1. You shop in the grocery stores throughout the year right? But now it’s time to hit the farmer’s market to get the new harvest and freshly made products like honey, jam etc.
2. Get out of that lazy mood and prepare your body with lots of energy for summer. Register for a color run or any local marathon event, burn calories and have fun with friends. This is the time to get back on track and remember those new year resolutions for staying active.
3. Don’t forget to start practicing your golf skills. The snow has gone and now the grass is getting back to its lush green color so what you’re waiting for? Get your golf stick out of the garage and lose your arm muscles for that perfect shot.
4. If you are like me whose spring doesn’t complete without a flower, then check out your nearest botanical garden for fresh flower shows.
5. Milwaukee is the home of Harley-Davidson so how can you forget to add a bike ride on your list. Harley runs bike night Concert series from May to September and this event is free for members. This is something special for Milwaukee.
6. Sitting beside the fireplace and reading a book is fun, but you cannot compare that with the campfire. Hence, stock up your s’mores supply and find your spot for camping.
7. Go for Easter egg hunt event in your community and try some Easter treat recipes.
8. Not feeling like going out, then invite all your friends to a patio dinner party and enjoy the campfire in your backyard.
9. Don’t forget to visit early spring sale and stock up your gardening stuff for a cheaper price.
10. With all those sunny and rainy days don’t miss out to spot a rainbow in the sky.
11. Spot a bug and take a close look at it.
12. Use your photography skills and capture the beauty of a rainy day.